WVBOT MINUTES: April 27, 2017
MEMBERS PRESENT: Bambi Hill, Phil Simpson, Gene Brooks, Marty Douglas
ABSENT: Kathy Quesenberry
ALSO PRESENT: Vonda Malnikoff, Sarah & Jeff Black
Marty motioned to approve January 20, 2017 minutes as written. Phil seconded. Vote 4-0.
TOPIC: Purchase of Licensure Management Database System
FINDINGS/CONCLUSIONS: Researched systems recently purchased by Board of
Osteopathic Medicine, Board of Medicine, Dental, Engineering, and Veterinarian Boards.
Reviewed scope & estimated cost at meeting on 5/15/15. Marty motioned to issue RFQ to
purchase Licensure Management Database System. Bambi seconded. Vote 4-0. Other Boards who have purchased systems are having various issues with vendors and/or product.
ACTION/FOLLOW-UP: Replace this item with WV Interactive contract to provide
online license renewals. See New Business.
TOPIC: NBCOT Primary Source Verification / NPDB Agent
FINDINGS/CONCLUSIONS: Marty motioned to accept new online NBCOT verification as
primary source verification required for licensure. Phil seconded. Vote 5-0. Phil motioned to decline interest at this time to NBCOT request to act as NPDB Agent for the Board. Board will further discuss purpose / benefits with NBCOT representative at March board meeting. Marty seconded. Vote 5-0. Shaun Conway further clarified NBCOT’s goal of maintaining a nationwide database to collect and disseminate disciplinary action from all states. They would act as the reporting agency to NPDB. One remaining question is the impact this will have on meeting current filing deadlines.
ACTION/FOLLOW-UP: Keep item open pending further information regarding
implementation from NBCOT.
TOPIC: Licensee roster / mailing list
FINDINGS/CONCLUSIONS: Discussed email from AG’s office regarding the requirement to change current policy of charging for and restricting access to licensee information. Licensee information provided to the Board, including address, phone number, and email address, is public information and must be made available upon request. Changes made to application and mailing list order form to remove fee and option of being removed from mailing list. Communicated changes and included Privacy Notice in newsletter. Privacy Notice added to website and application. Marty motioned to add fee for mailing list on adhesive mailing labels to cover the cost of labels and postage. Phil seconded. Vote 4-0. Added a $15 fee to cover labels and postage. Discussed email request to consider offering list electronically as an excel spreadsheet. Phil motioned to allow electronic transmission of mailing list provided recipient agrees to one time use only. Bambi seconded. Vote 3-0. Mailing list request form revised to include option to obtain excel spreadsheet via email at no charge. Change implemented 3/28/17.
TOPIC: Laptop upgrade
FINDINGS/CONCLUSIONS: Current Board laptop was purchased in 2008, with Windows XP operating system, which is no longer supported by Microsoft and other applications. Marty motioned to purchase new laptop. Gene seconded. Vote 5-0. Include in FY2017 budget. Approval to purchase laptop obtained from Office of Technology. Order delayed due to part number discrepancy in wvOASIS. New Statewide contract issued in October. Order placed in December. Laptop received 4/20/17.
TOPIC: 2017 CE Conference
FINDINGS/CONCLUSIONS: Discussed date & location for 2017 conference. Agreed to hold in late April in Morgantown or Bridgeport. Reviewed conference center proposals and cost estimate for INR speaker. Bambi motioned to enter into contract with Lakeview and INR. Phil seconded. Vote 3-0. Contract signed with Lakeview for April 28th. Agreed to focus on Addictions/Pain Management for the entire conference with INR speaker. Reviewed course outline and registration info. Online registration in place. Reviewed cost summary for conference.
TOPIC: Renewal of TekSwift contract
FINDINGS/CONCLUSIONS: Website hosting / data backup fee to remain at $63.95/month. Rob has suggested modifying website to change CMS to WordPress to improve security and aesthetics. Cost estimate for new template, design fee, and transfer of data is $600. Vonda to extend contract for website hosting / data backup; review new website templates; discuss ability to provide online services to licensees through existing website as alternative to purchasing licensure management database system. Contract with Tekswift extended through April 2018. There is a statewide contract with WV Interactive to provide online services. See New Business for more detail.
ACTION/FOLLOW-UP: Work with Tekswift to design new website.
The Board reviewed all purchases made on the Purchase Card for January through March 2017. Gene motioned to approve all purchases. Bambi seconded. Vote 4-0.
Cash Balance as of March 31, 2017
$ 234,108.89
1/3/17 $2,470 2/2 $ 100 3/8 $ 30
1/4 1,960 2/6 470 3/9 30
1/5 410 2/9 200 3/14 280
1/9 1,370 2/13 300 3/16 130
1/11 260 2/15 60 3/20 310
1/12 60 2/16 150 3/21 100
1/17 210 2/22 310 3/27 160
1/19 100 2/24 360 3/29 320
1/23 310 2/27 90 3/30 100
1/26 190 3/2 180
1/31 440 3/6 210
1/23 260
TOTAL DEPOSITS $ 11,290.00
January $ 6,491.31
February 6,887.37
March 6,736.58
TOPIC: WVOTA questions / news
FINDINGS/CONCLUSIONS: At the request of WVOTA, a summary of the mission and
roles of WVBOT and WVOTA was created to be distributed at the WVOTA table at the
conference on 4/28/17 and future meetings. Sarah suggested that WVOTA be included
when the Board speaks to WVU students to explain the difference between the Board and
the Association. She also requested a representative from WVBOT speak at the WVOTA
fall conference in Beckley on Saturday, October 28, 2017.
ACTION/FOLLOW-UP: Determine who will speak at the WVOTA conference in
October. Include information about their conference in our next newsletter.
TOPIC: Legislative update from 2017 session
FINDINGS/CONCLUSIONS: Reviewed bills affecting the Board that passed the 2017
Legislative session. SB4 allows professionals licensed in other states to donate time to the
care of indigent and needy for a charitable function in WV with a temporary authorization.
HB2631 amends the time standards to disposition of complaints for delays attributable to
the accused. HB2833 amends the contents and categories of information for inclusion in
annual reports. HB2839 modifies the timing and scope of performance reviews. Our next
review is scheduled for 2023.
TOPIC: WV Interactive proposal for online renewals
FINDINGS/CONCLUSIONS: WV Interactive LLC is the vendor for the statewide contract
for web based portal management services. Reviewed WVI summary of proposal.
Reviewed current renewal applications to simplify and minimize PII. Discussed the Board
absorbing transaction and credit card fees as opposed to passing on to licensees. Marty
motioned to proceed with agreement with WVI in lieu of purchasing a full Licensure
Management Database System at this time. Bambi seconded. Vote 4-0.
ACTION/FOLLOW-UP: Forward renewal application to WVI to develop scope of work &
sign agreement.
correspondence | date rec'd | issue |
Purchasing | 2/1/2017 | The Buyers Network - February 2017 |
PEIA | 2/27/2017 | Information regarding telehealth services |
AOTA | 3/6/2017 | Call for comment on draft ACOTE standards |
Brickstreet | 4/3/2017 | WC policy 3/29/17 - 3/29/18 |
email from OT | 4/13/2017 | **requesting info related to Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy |
AOTA | 4/20/2017 | Invitation to webinar regarding telehealth on June 6 or 7 (will forward the link) |
Bambi motioned to enter Executive Session at 8:30 p.m. to discuss licensee issues.
Gene seconded. Vote 4-0.
Issue 2016#02 – Closed
Issue 2016#03 – Licensure Applicant
Marty motioned to move out of Executive Session at 8:35 p.m. Bambi seconded. Vote 4-0.
Meeting adjourned at 9:00 pm after the signing of licensure applications. The next regular Board meeting is scheduled for Friday, September 15, 2017 at 11:00 am at the Morgantown office. Tentative future meeting date of November 3, 2017.